
Our Products


Folder HelpDesk for Outlook

ssue tracking and user support based on Microsoft Outlook and Exchange. The...


E-mail Converter for Outlook and SharePoint

Convert incoming e-mails into SharePoint list items, manually or automatically...


E-mail Converter for Azure and SharePoint

E-mail Converter for Azure and SharePoint can monitor multiple E-mail...


Calendar Browser for Outlook

An application for booking resources within an organization which is totally...


Kanban E-mail Manager

Visualize and organize e-mails on personal kanban board in Outlook. The kanban board has phases for the work process, and you....


Kanban Task Manager

Visualize, categorize and manage tasks inside Outlook. A visual picture of the work process, that can quickly reveal bottlene....


KBase – the Knowledge Base

leverage existing storage and search capabilities in Microsoft Outlook. Create the articles inside Outlook and use all the Outlook..


TimeCard for Outlook

Report time and expenses directly inside the Outlook Calendar. TimeCard can be used with any calendar, including shared ones...


TimeTracker for SharePoint​

Mark attendance and even breaks directly from Microsoft Teams, Web or mobile. TimeTracker lets track work duration, breaks, half.....