
Calendar Browser Personal calendars

Personal calendars: can we show personal calendars in Calendar Browser?

Yes, personal Outlook calendars can be shared and viewed with Calendar Browser.

When are people free?

When all members of a team or workgroup share each others Outlook calendars everyone will benefit and work will be more efficient. The obvious advantage of using shared calendars is that you can easily see what everyone is doing.

With shared calendars, managers will get a better idea of what employees are planning and when they are available, so that they can arrange events and tasks accordingly. Managers can also and understand what each employee is working with at any given moment.

Shared calendars work in the same way for the team members, of course: they can see when the managers are available. All members of the staff can also more easily determine when most people are free for a group meeting.

Add shared calendars to Calendar Browser

The personal Outlook calendars are added to Calendar Browser via the settings, either by browsing to it or by writing the name of the shared calendar.

As the calendars can be grouped, organizations can use Calendar Browser for many different work teams. Each employee/manager will add only the needed calendar groups to his or her Outlook calendar view.

Overview of all calendars

The Calendar Browser Overview displays all the shared calendars, and by using the different views and the search feature you can easily find the calendar or appointment you are looking for.

Booking gives additional value

Calendar Browser was first developed as a tool for booking of shared corporate resources, and if you decide to use Calendar Browser to share calendars you may of course use it for booking too. Once again the possibility to group calendars will come handy. You don’t have to mix personal calendars and resource calendars!

Please have a look at Calendar Browser if you are thinking about sharing Outlook calendars within your organization. Even if the documentation is mostly focused on resource booking, I am sure you will understand the benefit of using Calendar Browser to show and work with shared Outlook calendars.