
E-mail Converter Format

Format: I get CSS info in the ticket.

This problem may occur if you have the e-mail settings for HTML or rich text but the SharePoint Settings for plain text.

E-mail format setting:

The ticket in SharePoint:

Format: I get CSS info in the ticket.

Open your SharePoint site. Make sure you have administrative right before performing these steps:

1. Click on the list which you have configured to work with E-mail Converter.

1. Click on the column which is showing HTML text. In the example above it is “Description”.

2. Open the LIST tab and click on List Settings.

2. In the Additional column settings, the type of text to be allowed should be Enhanced rich text.

3. If you want to apply the change to existing tickets, check the radio button Append changes to Existing text.

4. Click OK, and the issue should be fixed. If not, please contact support@bizsolutions365.com</p>