
Folder HelpDesk Time Tracking

Time tracking: Can Folder HelpDesk keep track of time worked on issues?

You can study how much time has been spent on tickets in the Excel reports integrated in Folder HelpDesk . However, the application does not keep track of time automatically. You have to add the time yourself, and this may be done in several ways: 

1.  In the ticket the Responsible may add the time spent on the ticket under the Work Done tab before each ticket is closed.

If the settings under 2 or 3 below are not specified by the admin, the Responsible will be required to add the number of Minutes Worked before it is possible to close the ticket. 

2. In the Settings, under the Incident tab, the Admin may set a standard Minutes Worked value for each Incident type.

3. In the Settings, under the Ticket form settings tab, the Admin may set a default Minutes Worked value for all tickets.

If the box is checked and a value is defined here, this value is used : but only if the Minutes Worked are not set by the Responsible under the Work Done Tab when the ticket is closed (1) and if the Minutes Worked are not set under the Incident tab (2).