
Folder HelpDesk Timeout

Timeout: I sometimes get a timeout message when I work with Folder HelpDesk.

The Timeout Expired error commonly occurs when

an instance of the database engine is not running

the server name was typed incorrectly

there are network problems or issues because of firewalls.

Please consult your DB/network admin if the problem persists. 

This is a typical error message: 

This error has occured: : 
Trying to open a connection to the database with the connection string Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;Integrated Security=SSPI;Data Source=NEPTUNE;Initial Catalog=HelpDesk 

The system error message was: : 
Timeout expired 
Sub routine : subSetupConnection 
Error on line: XXXXOutlook 
Version: XX.X.X.XXXXX