
Folder HelpDesk Work done tab

Work done tab: I get an error when I click on the Add button in the ticket form “Work Done” tab.


This error has occurred:

Attempting to open a recordset from Select * from tblWork where intTicketID = 32815

The system error message was: : Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value.


This problem in the database comes when the limit of the column “intTicketID” in table “tblWork” has been exceeded. Folder HelpDesk has been updated so that new users will not have this issue anymore, but unfortunately it cannot be done automatically for older installations.

To solve the problem you need to change the data type of the column “intTicketID” from smallint to int.

Please make sure that no one else is running Folder HelpDesk when you are trying to change the datatype.

This is the process:

SQL Server database

Open the SQL Server Management Studio.

Open the Folder HelpDesk SQL database.

Open the table “tblWork” in design view by right clicking.

Change the datatype of the column “intTicketID” from smallint to int.

Save the table and then try again.

SQL Server database

Open the Folder HelpDesk database “FHelpDesk.mdb”

Open the table “tblWork” in design view by right clicking.

Change the datatype of column “intTicketID” from smallint to int.

Save the table and then try again.